Wednesday, August 19, 2009

the blue depths call...

Ever, in happiness, he had gone to the mountains
Some of the happiest times had been spent there.. and anyone who mattered had shared the serene beauty with him…

Ever, in sadness, he had run to the sea
During times of sorrow and loss, standing ankle deep at the edge, had always been a solace
A feeling that could not be shared..
In some indescribable manner, the sea seemed not only to be in sync with the sadness, it seemed to reflect an understanding… a comfort no human was capable of providing
Like a friend one meets after many long years yet no words are necessary
An ever patient acceptance
Unquestioning and ever understanding.. somewhat like a mother’s embrace, if one wished to be mawkish about it…

And once again in his life, he needed that friendship…
The time to leave had come…

*Sure.. sounds arbit.. but I really had trouble getting the words out in a way that would make sense
Sometimes, words just take on a mind of their own and simply have to be put down in whatever order they come out.. logical or not..whether you like it or not…

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