It’s hard to fathom why we treat each other like we do… but we do it, for the most part unknowing of how it would affect those whose lives are attached to ours like strings… our every action sending vibrations across unguessed paths…
Have you ever been treated so bad that forgiveness can never happen?
Friends betrayed you. You got a Judas Kiss. These are some examples of pain and suffering and not wanting to forgive. Yes! We want them to pay for hurting us so badly. We want them to get there just reward. But anger and the inability puts a chain around our necks and it leaves ushurt and damaged and unable to move on.
Forgiveness is like the aroma of a flower being stepped on by your heel. It has a sweet smell even though the damage has been done.
As the song goes....." The memory like the picture was then.....once its been cant be perfect again"
To be able to grow and move on with life one must be able to forgive, but that is not saying to forget and to not remember what they have done. It is just not holding it to their account anymore.
It is a bitter sweet experience. It takes time and one must deal with the consequences of their actions but to be able to set your spirit free, you must find a way to be able to move on and let it go.
Sometimes we do stupid stuff and can't believe we were capable of doing such things. But we must also forgive ourselves. It is the key to unlocking many doors.
I forgive you all....for leaving....for dying....for not understanding....
I wish I,too could be forgiven……
forgiving is the hardest thing to do... and to reach that stage is the toughest journey to undertake... congratulations... you made it.
"To err is human, to forgive divine." But what is important here is that we learn the true meaning of forgiveness. Forgiving someone and then holding a grudge isnot forgiveness. Forgiving someone and then cursing them everytime you see them or speak of them isnot forgiveness.
Karma states that every being shall pay for his deeds - good and bad. And hence, the bad deeds are not forgiven. They are just brought in front of the doer in another space...another time...yet another face..
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