Tuesday, May 26, 2009


the door creaked as she pushed it open, the rusty hinges protesting after months of disuse and bad weather...
Almost as if they were unhappy at this intrusion into their private world
A thick layer of dust coated every surface...it was difficult to imagine people had once lived here.
As the door grudgingly opened to her pressure, as dust motes danced in the sunlight let in from behind her...
She blinked
and it seemed it seemed life had returned to the empty house...
She saw herself...a young child, un aware and uncaring of what life would bring... racing across the room followed by her pet dog...
She blinked
....and it was gone
She walked in....hesitantly exploring every room... and every room held a memory

Eating lightly salted water melon in the heat of her summer vacation
Watching her favorite movie for the umpteenth time on the dilapidated old color TV
sneaking her first drag of a cigarette up on the terrace
crying in the garden at her first heart break

So many memories... most of them faded and buried... all brought back to life by the dusty sights and smells
Finally, unable to bear the weight of the memories, she sank down to the floor, dust streaking her jeans...
The salty drops of water from her eyes creating shiny round jewels...
The house seemed to embrace her and they cried together, alone in the dusky light... alone in the world.
After what seemed like an eternity... although only a few minutes had passed... she pushed herself up, unmindful of the dirt... or maybe even finding comfort in it... a little something she could carry away with her...

She walked out, locking the door behind her... and walked away... not looking back.

She called me a few day later... and i asked
"did u visit the old place then ?"
"yes..i did drop by"
"How was it ?"
"You know what they say.... you can go back to an old house.... but you can never go home again"

I never heard from her again.

1 comment:

Surbhi said...

well written!